conscious adj. 1.有意识的,有知觉的;神志清醒的。 2.自觉的,自己知道的,明明知道的 (of; that); 有意的,故意的。 3.(痛苦、感情、冷气等)感觉得到的;意识到的。 4.=self-conscious. 5.有…意识的〔常用以构成复合词〕。 Man is a conscious being. 人是有意识的生物。 He became conscious. 他清醒[苏醒]了。 a hardly conscious movement 不自觉[自然而然]的动作。 be [become] conscious of 意识到。 be conscious of one's own blame 自知理亏。 be too conscious极腼腆。 the conscious simper 忸怩的强笑。 with a conscious air 故作谦虚地。 with conscious superiority 带着故作高人一等的神气。 adv. -ly
Conscious actions tend to become unconscious habits 有意的行为最终成为潜意识的习惯。
If i fall asleep early or late , i set the alarm accordingly ; and this , and the putting out of the lamp , are my last conscious actions . 我现在总是叫闹钟闹醒,早睡也好,晚睡也好,闹钟总上好的。这个动作,关灯,是我的最后的有意识的动作。
Nonetheless , there is a new problem with the code sample above - no security conscious action is taken when a user tries to log into an account but fails to do so 实际上被认为是调用“伪随机”数生成器,当然,这些随机数不是真正随机的。这个事实对软件的安全性有着深远的影响。
But in pharming , larger numbers of computer users can be victimized because it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim 而在无诱饵钓鱼欺骗中,由于它不是一个一个地针对个人,受害方丝毫不会怀疑这些行为,所以会有大量的计算机用户受害。
These movies , from a unique humanist angle , express the survival state and conscious action of the individuals in the environment of war , exhibiting various forms of humanity under special historical conditions , and expressing artistically and truly the beauty and ugliness , virtue and evil in the structure of humanity and their mutual exchange 这些影片通过独特的人文视角,表现了战争环境中作为个体的人的生存状态和意识行为,展示了人性在特定历史条件下的种种不同形态,并对人性结构中的美与丑、善与恶以及它们的相互转化进行了真实的艺术再现。